I don’t normally get into politics on my blog, but with what is going on in Washington, D.C., I felt I needed to speak out. If I offend some people, that’s fine. I have freedom of speech (at least for now).
What Trump is doing in Washington is morally bankrupt, and doesn’t show any concern for the people. If I could have marched in Washington, D.C. last weekend, I would have. The Republicans are trying to silence the EPA, deny climate change, shut down NPR & PBS, and dismantle Obamacare. In addition, they want to convert Medicaid to block grants, and de-fund Medicare. I can only imagine what is going to happen with Social Security. Oh, and criminalize legal abortion. Nationalism is very worrisome. And the President of Mexico has cancelled his D.C. visit. I worry.
As a result of all of this, I have begun making monthly donations of $10 each to moveon.org, Planned Parenthood, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Sierra Club. I am doing my best to make a difference; not yet 10% of my income, but it’s something.
I do have a credit card balance of approximately $900, which I will pay a good portion of next month. In addition, I am getting ready to file my taxes, hopefully through VITA on February 4th. With the unemployment, job searching, part-time employment, and under-employment, I made just under $20k last year. This year I’m aiming for $33-35k at least, and I’m on track for that.
Even though I’ve ended up again with a credit card balance, I am trying to keep my spirits up. I’m calling my senators daily with my concerns. I am saving $275 monthly into my Roth IRA, so that’s good. I’m on track to save just over $3k in that account this year. My fiancee and I have also opened up a joint savings account with a starting balance of $4k to save for a house.
Right now I am sick, and working hard to recover. Next week I decided to schedule a much needed massage. If I’m not healthy, there’s no way I can fight back against this new administration. And I’m planning to fight. I’ve also decided to take at least a 1 week break from Facebook. The news articles were too upsetting, and weren’t helping me.
For those of you who are concerned about the direction our country is going in, check out the following site. It’s news for the progressive community: Common Dreams.
Oh, and I received some good news today! My $269 speeding ticket was dismissed. The judge said it was dismissed right after I told him my name. Whoo-hoo!