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I am currently in love with Senator Elizabeth Warren. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky tried to shut down her Coretta Scott King speech, and she did it anyway, after being silenced, outside of the Senate floor. She’s my new hero. Oh, and she’s super smart.
I am persisting. I’m applying for jobs left and right. I set up a turnkey petsitting website, and will leave business cards at my vet’s office, another vet’s office on the way to work, and pass them out to people I meet at my church. I also left some on the bulletin board at Whole Foods today. I don’t know how long they’ll stay up there, but I gave it a shot. I have a car magnet. My fiancee suggested I print out new fliers/brochures offering my first visit for free. I think that could be great for my burgeoning business. I have wanted to work for myself for a long time, I just haven’t had the push I needed. Maybe this past week’s experiences at work were the push!
On the work front, I am meeting with the institute’s president and my boss on Monday at 9 a.m. to discuss my options. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist on Monday afternoon, then I teach my last Psychology class on Monday night. THEN, Tuesday in the a.m. I fly to California for a much deserved vacation and visit with my mom, sister and niece. I can’t wait. While there may be the opportunity to save my job, I’m not sure how much longer I can stay there and remain sane. I did speak with my boss on the phone last week, and we passed accreditation. He did suggest that maybe employment at a for-profit educational institute is not for me. I already know the answer to that; it’s not. It’s a values conflict for sure. Now I just need to put together an exit plan. I’m STILL kicking myself for not accepting the part-time position at the other college, but again, it conflicts with my values as it was another for-profit college. So it’s probably for the best.
For now, I have my $500 per month contract librarian position. Obviously I need more than just that to live on. If I lose my job (which I really don’t care about anymore, honestly), I have a tax return that’s coming next week, and a paycheck, plus at least one more paycheck after that. I have a small amount of savings. I can drive for Uber. I can step up my freelance writing pitches, which I haven’t had time to do much of lately, because I’ve been so stressed. There’s the petsitting, which I am working on turning into a real business. I’ll have the website set up soon. There is an entrepreneur’s center nearby I can go to for help with incorporating it into an LLC, etc. I do have options. I am hopeful. I will persist. I was so stressed last week I was imagining the worst. I have a very supportive fiancee. I am lucky. I won’t be applying for disability, but because I was in such a bad place last week I was thinking I’d have to. If nothing else, I’m a fighter. Still I persist.